Thorough, detailed, and comprehensive introduction and overview of pattern drafting. The details, tips, and advice cover a wealth of information about block creation, pattern design development, and many other practical components of the pattern drafting and development process. Books I wish I had when learning to pattern draft, and books I will be recommending to others learning to pattern draft! Thank you MJ for creating these outstanding books!

Heather Clark
Faculty, Wilson School of Design, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

The Ultimate Patterndrafting Series of texts provides a thorough introduction to the patternmaking process and the skills required. The texts are organized in a logical fashion and feature thorough step-by-step instructions with clear diagrams that lend themselves easily to the classroom setting. The Style Development chapter is especially helpful in demonstrating the process of deconstructing an illustration into logical pattern development steps in order to draft and ultimately create a finished pattern. As an educator, I highly recommend this series for fashion instructors and as a fashion professional, I recognize the potential for these texts to be utilized beyond the classroom.

Lori Moore
Head of Pattern Drafting, Fashion Design Technician Program,
St. Clair College

This is the Ultimate Patterndrafting Series. Not only is it the perfect reference for anyone interested in learning the art of patterning, but also an excellent, efficient resource for our pattern developers, when working with PAD System digital apparel software.